Hello Bar

Monday, May 28, 2007

Create Water (GIMP)

Water is one of the easies things to create in gimp.
All the settings in this tutorial are the ones I used feel free to experiment and adjust the settings (by droz928, GIMPtalk)

This is what you should have when you complete this little tutorial.

Step One: Setting up the base layer

First open a new image I used 400x300 it really doesn't matter what background you choose.

Fill the image with clouds Filter>Render>Clouds>Solid Noise
Random Seed: 4294966803
Detail 1
X Size 2.0
Y Size 2.0
Click Ok

A note about the clouds. You should try to get a cloud layer that is distributed unevenly. You want to achieve a good contrast between the black and white.

Now apply a radial motion blur Filters>Blur>Motion
Set it to Radial
Angle 45
Click Ok

Now apply a Gaussian blur Filters>Blur>Gaussian
Blur Method set to IIR
Horizontal and Vertical 35
Click Ok

Step 2: Adding waves and ripples

Add waves Filters>Distorts>Waves
Mode Smear
Amplitude 55
Phase 190
Wavelength 37
Click Ok

Duplicate the layer Layer>Duplicate
Flip the duplicate layer Tools>Transform Tools>Flip (Shift + F)
Click and drag the flip curser from left to right across the layer. Poof it is flipped.
Set the layer mode to difference.
Duplicate the layer. Layer>Duplicate (Shift + F)

Rotate the second duplicate layer. Tools>Transform Tools>Rotate (Shift + R)
Click the any where on the layer the rotation settings dialog should appear.
Set the angle to 180 than click ok

Merge all the layer together Image>Merge Visible Layers (Shift + M)

Add the ripple Filters>Distorts>Ripple
Orientation: Horizontal
Edges: Wrap
Wave Type: Sine
Period: 130
Amplitude: 10
Click ok

Step 3: Adding Color

The easiest way to add color is to add a new layer Layer>New Layer

Set your primary color to a nice aqua color try #239fa7.

Switch to the bucket fill tool Tools>Paint Tools>Bucket Fill (Shift + B) and click anywhere on the new layer.

Set the layer mode to color

Merge all the layer together Image>Merge Visible Layers (Shift + M)

Step 4: Final Step Cleaning and cutting

Select all Select>All
Shrink the selection Select>Shrink
Setting 6
Copy Edit>Copy (ctrl + C) or Cut Edit>Cut (ctrl + X) the selection.
Paste it as a new image Edit>Paste As New.
Poof you are done. Save the file as water texture or whatever your heart desires.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Neon Inscription (GIMP)

[ Sunday, 13 May 2007, michuk ]

In this tutorial we are going to show how to prepare a Neon inscription in GIMP (based on this example). The article is meant for beginners, but you should know at least the basics of using GIMP in order to succeed.

Author: noss

The effect we should get after going through this tutorial is show on picture 1:

Pic.1 This is what we want to achieve

  1. First, create a new image, size 420×300px with black background.
  2. Next, type your inscription, using a big font (for example Orange LET Ultra-Light) 135px-sized. This font can be downloaded from here.

  3. Pic.2 Outcome after step 2

  4. Now, duplicate the layer with the text, and change its color to #1757AE.
  5. After that, duplicate the layer with #1757AE color, so you get 2 layers with the same color.
  6. Create 2 new layers and put them between the layers with text.
  7. Fill the lower one with color #888888, and the higher one with #CDCDCD.
  8. For both these layers change Mode to Dodge.

  9. Pic.3 Now you should get this set of layers

  10. Right-click on every layer with text, and set “Layer to Image Size”.
  11. Now, duplicate the lower layer with text, move to the top, and don’t touch it any more.
  12. Next, use Gaussian Blur (Filters->Blur->Gaussian Blur): for the second layer from top, set Radius to 2, for the middle one set it to 5, and for the bottom one – 10.

Pic.4 Now you have your neon inscription.

Pic.5 The same, but with a bigger blur (top layer: 3, middle: 8, bottom: 15)

And here you are! If you would like to read more articles in the GIMP Tricks series on PolishLinux.org, please feel free to suggest new topics on our forum in subject: New series: GIMP tricks.

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